Thursday, February 24, 2011

Epic Meal Time - What Up Hater

A couple weeks ago I came across a couple videos from an online cooking show on Youtube called Epic Meal Time. If you've never seen any of their videos prepare yourselves for a laugh or two as well as some really sick meals. One of their meals had over 100,000 calories, thats an instant heart attack for that ass. What I really enjoy most about these videos is the host, hes a character and really adds a nice touch of humor to the videos. If your a fan of Bacon or any meat product youll really enjoy their meals, damn near every meal has massive amounts of bacon as well as the Munchie's inspired concoctions only a pot head would enjoy or dream up! Stop hating!

Up first is the Breakfeast of Booze - What happens when breakfeast meets alcohol, damn near everything is fried in alcohol or breaded with beer batter

Up next is the Turbacon Epic Thanksgiving meal, as the host would describe it, a Bird in a bird in a bird in a bird in a bird, basically 5 different birds stuffed into each other and then stuffed into a pig with of course Plenty of Bacon

Last is their very first video, The Worst Pizza Ever, a Pizza topped with some of the best selections from the menu of some of your favorite fast food restaurants

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