Friday, April 15, 2011

Welcome to Hialeah

New segment to the blog...If you have never been to Hialeah, you just won't understand.

Welcome to Hialeah: Where an Ambulance becomes a landscaping truck...

Got any funny Hialeah related images? Email them to

Thursday, April 14, 2011

What if God had Facebook?

So I came across something funny the other day, What if god had access to Facebook all those years ago, What would his status updates look like? A little something like this....

It's a joke, relax, Im pretty sure the Lord God has a sense of humor, I mean after all he probably invented it!

Monday, April 4, 2011

WrestleMania 27... Finally, the Rock has come BACK to WrestleMania

Yesterday was the biggest day of the year in all of Sports Entertainment, besides American Gladiators this is really the only other company I can consider Sports Entertainment...because the rest is either Sports, or Entertainment. The Grand Daddy of them all, WrestleMania the 27th edition.

The event began of course with special guest host The Rock. He came out, cut a promo as only he could, shitting on 9 years of story lines with 1 promo. Hes said about John Cena what I've been hoping someone would have said years ago, & the crowd LOVED it!

So the show began with Edge defending his meaningless title against Del Rio... the Winner of the biggest Royal Rumble ever...this match was an, I DONT GIVE A FUCK hurry up and get this match over with... first they expect me to believe Del Rio is a multi millionaire when he rolls up in his Rolls Royce... buddy, this is not the 80's wrestlers are wrestlers, not professionals with a side job that involves bouncing off ropes... I'm sorry, if i were a Millionaire i would not be risking my health in a ring. Id be at home sipping margaritas laughing at WrestleMania.... and of course he had to fight Edge, which i found out has become 11 time Champion since i last watched... WTF... if hes 11 time champion i wonder what Triple H is.... 52 time champion? I guess being champion doesn't mean shit anymore... i guess Bret Hart being 5 time champion really isn't that impressive, i guess Rick Flair and Hogans title reigns arent impressive anymore.... and its a match for the meaningless championship title? Why is it meaningless? Because its the Smackdown title that no one cares about, theres always 2 title matches, and you use one for the opening match? that shows alot... the winner of the Rumble is no longer the main event of wrestlemania? That shows alot.... this match sucked balls, really not entertaining at all. Christian should have turned heel. Then Edge walks out the ring and they fuck up Del Rios car, i guess in the fantasy world the WWE lives in, a multi millionaire doesn't have the insurance on his car for when a couple of hooligans dent it, no a multi millionaire wouldn't have insurance in his whip, or know to call the police and file a report or press charges on these morons....but the biggest moron is edge, I would have driven away with the car instead of bang it please.

Cody Rhodes vs Rey Misterio...... YAWN... so i guess Cody Rhodes is the Phantom of the WWE and Rey Misterio is captain America? Pretty gay.... the match sucked, the gimmick for it sucked, what sucks even more is that they used protective equipment as weapons....isn't the protective equipment made of material to keep the body part your protecting from hurting? You know... cushioning and harnesses that protect, how the fuck is that gonna be used as a weapon? Its like hitting the guy with a pillow... GARBAGE match, worse than the first!

Snoop Dogg did a skit....overall entertaining, William Regal great job, Roddy Piper showed up, Awesome, the worse though, is this stupid lil character Horn Swoggle that they created years ago, never ever speaks, just a stupid lil leprechaun making noises, snoop leaves, and suddenly the first time he speaks he raps a whole fucking song...too bad the RAP SUCKED... was not well performed, and was really really CORNY...wrestling of the 80s was back, and I was not nostalgic at all...

Next was the Nexus vs Big Show, Kane, Santino and Kafi whatever the fuck his name is.... basically a 8 man tag to use up 8 wrestlers they had absolutely no idea of what to do with....and it lasted a total of 3 minutes, the entrances were, the writing has gone to shit.

Next was a promo the Rock cut with Eve, Eve is a sexy sexy bia! Then Aunt May showing up made this promo funnier than the last 2 matches, definitely entertaining which is really, ALL I ASK FOR. Then the Rock and Stone Cold ran into each other, which was awesome, its sad that half the people tuned in for nostalgic reasons.

Next was Randy Orton vs CM Punk... this reminds me of why i will always have a special place in my heart for the WWE, cause when they do shit right, they really entertain you, this match reminded me of the attitude era, everything i love about wrestling was captured in this match, these 2 need major pushes, Orton needs to take the title from Miz while Cena gets a character face lift or goes out and beefs with rock....either way, Orton needs a title, WWE needs Orton as the new face, cause the people they have now, are garbage... CM Punk also needs a push...maybe against boring ass edge, so edge can lose his title for the 11th time before becoming 12 time champion...yawn...Best match hands down, but not most ENTERTAINING...

Next was a skit between the Rock and Cenas #1 Fan, Pee Wee Herman....a classic....Man the Rock is just SHITTING on CENAS whole career and gimmick...and the fans are loving, id be pretty pissed at Vince if he just allows some guy who hasn't even been around for years just come back and shit on my career when I've been the one carrying the company....but fuck Cena, Team Bring It

Next was the Hall of Fame induction ceremony... basically, something to occupy time so Michael Cole and The King could get to the backstage for their match...than Jim Ross and Booker T were introduced as the special guest commentators...

Next was the King vs Michael Cole....Special guest referee Stone Cold Steve Austin....this was the MOST ENTERTAINING match the whole night... Booker T's commentating, Stone Colds refereeing, his counting, his laughing at Michael Cole not knowing what the fuck he was doing, to his always warning Michael Cole....the match ended perfectly with Michael Cole submitting and quitting and Austin not quite sure if Cole was ready to give up....they knocked back a few beers and Booker T was like, let me get in on this, did his spinarooni, got a beer, and then got STUNNED as only Austin would...finally Austin got his 2 beers put em in the beer holder and rode off.....oh hell yeah! Michael Cole is not a wrestler but he was more entertaining than 75% of the roster, great match.

Next was Triple H vs Undertaker the return of 2 legends... overall great match, but these are the matches that make me question the psychology of wrestling, and what their opinion of ME is, do they really think I'm STUPID or something... for example, No Holds Barred match, Triple H is trying to hurt Undertaker and slam him through a table, yet hes concerned about removing the TV monitors from the table, if you really wanna hurt him, you leave them bitches on and slam him on them....but yeah, then, HHH has not wrestled in months, but somehow manages not to forget to leave his Sledge Hammer handy, how convenient....then you got Jim Ross and King trying to convince me that HHH really has a chance of winning....they say things like... in all his years in WrestleMania Undertaker has never fought anyone like Triple H, ugh, if i recall correctly, Undertaker already beat HHH in WrestleMania when he was 12-0 or been there done that, and gonna do it again....but this had to be the most anti climactic ending ever....finishers left and right, weapons everywhere...and HHH gets put to sleep?.....WTF??? and then the loser is on his feet first and manages to walk to the back while the Winner has to be carried away in a stretcher....WTF? i thought he was the DEAD MAN!....weak ending, even weaker psychology... the wwe medical staff is so concerned about making sure undertaker is okay, but before that let me make sure i can back in properly, WTF?

Up next was.... the Mixed tag match, which only leads me to think, wow, Trish is still the hottest bia to ever step into a WWE ring...the match was pretty boring except for Trish as always TRYING to entertain, which is impressive, she always tries new shit, steps it up, and for that i am grateful as a fan....snooki got tagged in did a handspring type cheerleader move and then finished with another similar move, which was pretty impressive let me tell you....better than alot of other celebrities bullshit guest appearances.

Finally is the MAIN EVENT....quick side note, ROCK is the host...and he hasn't shown his face for a couple I already knew the ending of this match would somehow involve him... Predictable as ALWAYS....

So Miz, THE CHAMPION, comes out first...hmmm... starts off with a nice lil intro documenting Miz since the Real World, and his rise to WWE stardom...he used Nas Hate Me Now....perfect....up next was John Cena, OH MY GOD, WTF is wrong with this guy....he has a whole church choir, then uses a DMX prayer for his intro....WOW, and he and WWE wonder how easily Rock was able to shit on his WHOLE Gimmick...cause its fucking CORNY, but at least you notice that Rocks promos are carrying some weight, he didn't bring out no fruity pebbles shirt instead it was RED....the match sucked, the ending sucked more balls... but this was all for the ROCK to reappear....the whole match the crowd was booing CENA, WOW, the fans turned on him so easily, reminds me of when they turned on Bret, his gimmick has been overdue a makeover for a long time, and it was the ROCK returning that made the fans realise, I would be pretty fucking Pissed off if I was Cena, but what are you gonna do? You'll never be the ROCK...So Rock Comes out....gets a text message from the General Manager....which don't get me started on this but, for months Ive shaken my head at this dumb ass "text message" gimmick....uh, Text Messages go to PHONES not laptops, and when they open the text message, it just happens to open up into a WORD PROCESSOR program with the whole script....but the Rock slapped the computer off did a couple catch phrases, and the match was restarted, but not before a ROCK BOTTOM to CENA....ahhh yes, WWE was so desperate to have the ROCK, that they must have agreed to anything he demanded... he must have been like, I wanna ROCK BOTTOM CENA and Vince was like sure, whatever you want, just shit on the whole WWE for the last 7 years, no problem....WOW....and then after Miz wins, Rock came in, Peoples Elbow...and just for that moment....Wrestling was ENTERTAINING!

Overall, I remember why I STOPPED watching WWE but also why it will always hold a special place in my heart! I hadn't seen WrestleMania in over 5 years, I rate this as a 6/10 ... cant wait till it comes to Miami next year, I WILL be there.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Kids: Dont do drugs and go to Ultra, this could be YOU!

This happens all the time, out of towners come to Miami from Europe and the rest of the United States for WMC, MMC, & UMF. They get so excited and recklessly let loose, they start taking countless amounts of drugs, acting like a bunch of morons and feel like they are in Woodstock or some sort of Hippie festival. FOLKS, just cause you hear us speaking a shit load of spanish doesnt mean this is a different country. This is still America, and there are minor things such as LAWS that you have to consider, plus dont forget the LOCALS, we dont fuck around!

Here is a perfect example, this asian dude either came from Cali, Seattle, Washington or maybe came in all the way from the other side of the world thinking he was in wonderland. He must have taken some Special K or gotten himself some amazing ACID because he figured, hey let me just get naked and start trying to grind on girls and their boyfriends, well, after many unsuccesful attempts with tourists he ran into a local homegrown Miami boy, and guess what happened next?

In conclusion, Dont Do Drugs, but if you will, KEEP YOUR CLOTHES ON!

King Kolt - We In Yo Trunks feat. J II

Here is another one of my songs, shout out to the Street J street team for making this video!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Mr. Liqer performing at Tobacco Road

Heres another Mr. Liqer video for your enjoyment. This was a live performance recorded at Tobacco Road during Valentines day, Mr. Liqer & D-Notez performing Until I Pass out before Passing Out. Enjoy!

For more Mr. Liqer visit

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Spotlight - Life & Death Productions

This is a new thing I'm doing with the blog. Every couple weeks I'm going to be showcasing an up and coming artist and showcase some of their material. Whether your a DJ, A rapper, A singer, or a Producer and are interested in being showcased, just drop me a line at with 3-5 of your hottest Songs or Videos, Ill review them and give them a rating. Looking forward to hearing what some of you have up your sleeves.

For the first installment of the Spotlight, I bring to you Tero Jylhä aka Life & Death Productions hailing out of Virrad, Finland. Life & Death Productions is a music production company that provides original Hip hop, Rap, Pop, Rnb, Electronic and Soundtrack instrumentals for artists and companies. Tero Jylhä was born in Helsinki, Finalnd on the 15th of November, 1990. Currently residing in Virrat, he has been specializing in the craft of beat making for a solid five years for more information be sure to visit Soundclick: Life & Death Productions or check him out on his facebook page.

1. Up first is A Bedtime Story. The intro begins with some really nifty piano work, its smooth and gentle and leads perfectly into the drop. The drum pattern compliments the piano work really well. I'm really enjoying how everything comes together for the hook, this beat sounds dramatic and epic, a nice storytelling instrumental, I can picture someone like Nasty Nas on this, but this can be flipped in multiple directions and any emcee with the right touch can make this their own.

2. Next is Full Clip, I'm really enjoying this. Fresh, the selection of instruments is perfect, the melody at the beginning is nice and the drop comes in and sets the tone immediately. This is Dark & Gritty, and right up my alley. Maintains an urban sound while refraining from the typical instruments anyone else would use. I really enjoy the drum work on this. Be sure to give this one more than 1 listen.

3. Third is Garden of Secrets, this one here has an EPIC sound, it reminds me of a tragedy. Like a scene out of a movie, where the protagonist just experienced something life changing. I'm not sure what that instrument layered on the melody on the hook is but it sounds like a violin or some of sort of strings, which complement and tie the whole song nicely. This I can picture as a song where the artist would reminisce on moments in his life. Well done Tero!

4. Next up is I Dreamed Last Night. All I can say about this is WHOA, really really nice, I dont want to get into technicalities on the skill and quality of the production. You know when you hear something and you like it but you don't know why? It just sounds good? Well this is it, I love the way this sounds. This is Right up my alley, so far my favorite of the beats I've heard, and thats really all I can say about this.

5. Finally we have Terminate on Sight!, Perfect name for this track! I can picture a collection of artists performing on this just going back and forth taking turns, this would make a nice posse cut! The melody is just RUGGED, powerful music right here!

Overall I must say Life & Death Productions has come a long way since I first heard of them. The music has really improved, Tero has really found a sound to distinguish from other up & coming producers. I really enjoyed most the tracks, but I must say, Terminate on Sight & I dreamed Last Night were by far my favorites.

Anyone interested in contacting Life & Death Productions just email him at, tell him Kolt sent ya!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

I Want You

Something I wrote a very long time ago...

I've got a shorty I've been fienin for
The type-of-chick the likes-of-which I've never seen before
Only made me fiend for more
A smart, sex, sophisticated lady
She got sass, she got class, plus an ass to drive me crazy
But lately, the lady been acting colder
Ignoring my advances and brushing me off her shoulder
Day by day, I'm craving her more and more
Bored of being ignored and wondering whats in store
Truth be told I want you, as more than lovers
I want it all or I want nothing, I want you like none other
Let me sweep you off them feet - so we can both feel complete
Cant lie, I want you and your exactly what I need

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Epic Meal Time - What Up Hater

A couple weeks ago I came across a couple videos from an online cooking show on Youtube called Epic Meal Time. If you've never seen any of their videos prepare yourselves for a laugh or two as well as some really sick meals. One of their meals had over 100,000 calories, thats an instant heart attack for that ass. What I really enjoy most about these videos is the host, hes a character and really adds a nice touch of humor to the videos. If your a fan of Bacon or any meat product youll really enjoy their meals, damn near every meal has massive amounts of bacon as well as the Munchie's inspired concoctions only a pot head would enjoy or dream up! Stop hating!

Up first is the Breakfeast of Booze - What happens when breakfeast meets alcohol, damn near everything is fried in alcohol or breaded with beer batter

Up next is the Turbacon Epic Thanksgiving meal, as the host would describe it, a Bird in a bird in a bird in a bird in a bird, basically 5 different birds stuffed into each other and then stuffed into a pig with of course Plenty of Bacon

Last is their very first video, The Worst Pizza Ever, a Pizza topped with some of the best selections from the menu of some of your favorite fast food restaurants

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Robbie Rivera - Wet Kitty Pool Party at the Fountainbleau

So this weekend was the Grand Opening of the Wet Kitty pool party at the world famous Fountainbleau Hotel in Miami Beach. The event was located at the poolside area of the new Arkadia nightclub located on the ground floor of the Chateau.

The Event featured one of my longtime favorite DJ's Robbie Rivera. When I first started getting into the House Music scene and the Miami Clubs back in 2005-2006 he was the first DJ I really got in to. It was a great opportunity to catch one of my favorite DJ's Spinning, especially since I hadn't seen him in over a year, Probably since WMC 2009 and he didn't disappoint.

For my group and I this was a little warm up/teaser to the pool parties coming around in less than 3 weeks for WMC 2011 at the Surfcomber, Shelborne and Club 50 at the Gansevoort Hotel. The event was called the Wet Kitty Pool Party, the perfect name for this event considering my group of friends refer to each other as the Kitties, it felt like a party dedicated to us. It was a great way to get into the WMC state of mind.

The drinks were a little expensive, but its the Fountainbleau, what do you expect? Only complaint is, I don't like my beer out of a can thank you very much. It was a nice venue, a little small in comparison to the Surfcomber but really really nice otherwise. The crowd was young and full of life, perfect place to people watch which is exactly what a lot of the older people staying at the Fountainbleau were doing. It was pretty funny actually, there was a whole crowd of tourists standing in the lobby looking out a window down onto the pool area looking shocked or amazed at the madness occurring in the pool. Robbie kept the crowd going of course and the party lasted till about 8 pm when everyone left and headed to Nikki Beach to continue partying. All I can think of now is Winter Music Conference and the Pool Parties to come. Here are some pictures of the event, enjoy and remember always party safe.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Weekend that Never Ended... Part 1: Chilling with Cops

Have you ever had one of those weekends you just can't remember every detail to? Or better yet, a weekend you'd rather completely forget? Something like a scene right out of the Hangover? Anyone who lives in Miami has a story or two like this to tell. Well, I have more than just a few of these. But one weekend completely takes the cake... one weekend comes to mind in particular.

This story picks up on the last and final day of a 72 hour marathon of partying and debauchery. Maybe Ill find time to describe Friday and Saturday, but Lets get you caught up, Friday Night we went out to a club, partied, left about 5am when one of our boys began tripping out cause some Transvestite tried talking to him, went to another club for after hours drank consumed and partied some more. Saturday arrives, we barely slept but 3-4 hours, we head to the liquor store where we encounter 3 girls just coming home from whatever guys house they just got fucked in, bought 1 bottle of champagne and 2 bottles of vodka and headed to the beach. We parked, found a spot and continued our party at the beach. Stopped by a friends house, where we smoked, sniffed, and drank whatever was available. Left, headed back to Miami Lakes to shower, change, recharge, smoke sniff and drink some more before heading out to Club Space. Arrived around midnight, and partied there past after hours all the way till about 10 am. Went back to Miami Lakes where we invited girls and friends over. Finished the house party early, recharged our batteries momentarily, and headed back out to Nikki Beach at around 8 PM to continue the madness....

This is where our story begins...Mind you, we are all running on fumes, we've smoked about a quarter ounce of kush or more throughout those 2 days, popped numerous transformers, that's ecstasy pills for you who don't get out much. Consumed about a quarter ounce of blow, and drank our asses into a state of consciousness that I can barely begin to describe. We arrive to Nikki beach recharged and ready to finish our weekend off.

I headed out with my homeboys Orlando and Eats and linked up with the fourth maniac Texas at the beach. We scooped him up and headed to Nikki beach but not before smoking about 3 blunts and consuming more substances. As we arrived to Nikki beach we decided to park somewhere along the road to Nikki Beach so we wouldn't have to pay for parking and so we were a nice distance from the place we were going to do our dirt in. After getting ourselves together, we headed to Nikki Beach where we were greeted by a promoter, I'll leave his name out considering he always takes care of us.

Once inside, we do our normal rounds, seeing who we recognize, who's there, and what kind of vibe is in the air. The four of us link up with some of our home girls we ran into and find a spot on the dance floor, get loose, dance a lil, we decide to get ourselves a bottle.

Fast Forward a couple of hours... Its now close to 5 Am, I had ran into my friend Diego, hes an older cat, he was there with his girl. We all discuss continuing the party at Discoteka, What used to be Metropolis a few years ago, the largest club in Miami. This club has really gone to the shits, its become what I call the Rat Hole, the club had been raided, a murder had occurred, people had been stabbed outside in the parking lot, but when your banged up, its a perfect place to zone out before going home. Diego was a lil buzzed and intoxicated and asked if I could drive his car to the club, and I told him sure no problem, lets leave in 15.

I stepped down to the Dance floor and started dancing with some girls, when suddenly some guy dressed really nice for what is a beach club comes up to me asking me, What good spots there are after Nikki Beach, I tell him, Discoteka, He asks If I knew someone there or If I had the hook up, or if its hard to get in. I told him, I know I'm getting in, I don't know about you, at which moment he replies, "Oh, I'm getting In" and he shows me his wallet, which happens to be holding a badge. At the moment, I panicked and told him yeah people are headed there now, and left the dance floor, at which point I told Diego, yo this guys a cop, lets ride. Which we did.

I texted and called all my boys that were there, O, Eats, and Texas and told them to be careful leaving cause there was a DT inside and to meet me at Discoteka. Apparently the cop had noticed they were with me, so he tried to befriend them, and once they correlated he was the cop, they dipped out the back. When we had originally parked we didn't pay too much attention to where the car was. Now its 5 am and my friends are having an increasingly difficult time finding the car, no one figured it would be a good idea to jot down the intersection. As they are looking for their car, the cop from the club offers to pick them up and help them find it. Now I'm not sure if its the drugs or the alcohol, but my friends thought it was a good idea and jumped in. After not being able to locate the car, the cop decides, lets just go to the club. And they all agree.

From what I've pieced together from the stories about the car ride, the cop begins to tell my friends hes a cop, and he used to be a Hialeah Wylo and gang member, etc etc. Now my friend Orlando is the free styling phenomenon, and tells him that he doesn't really care who he is and to put the radio up cause he likes the beat. He begins to freestyle.... and starts spitting lines... such as "If you a cop, Fuck the cops, Ill slice your throat and dump you in the river".... and when this kid freestyles, it seems as if he really hates you. This prompts the cop to pull out his piece and sit it on his lap, instantly quieting the freestyle session. He blurts out, "So what you niggas got".... and Eats pulls out 5 blunts, and tells him 5 Blunts, Texas was carrying about 40 pills and a half an ounce, which makes me wonder, who takes a whole half an ounce of bud to a club?... but Texas pulls out the half ounce, all this is happening while a Miami Beach police officer is behind them, the DT asks..."Is that it?" ... Texas replies, That's it! At which point the cop replies..."Lets Ride"

So I'm at discoteka with Diego and his girl waiting for these guys, when suddenly I get a phone call from Orlando... "Come outside, were chilling with the cop"...I think to myself, WHAT THE FUCK!!!, are these guys that banged up? So i go outside, to check on my boys and make sure everything okay... when I get outside, these guys are there smoking a blunt with the cop, making fun of him for hollering at a Transvestite, apparently when they pulled into the parking lot the cop was checking out some he/shes.

When I head out, I tell Diego the situation, he says he'll wait for me in the front. When I get to the car, Orlando offers me some white, I take a wack, at which moment the cop tells me, "Turn around, hands behind your back" at which point, I do. My friends start laughing all except for Texas, cause hes just silently observing. He replies to me, "I'm just fucking wit you, let me get a wack", In my head I'm thinking, "WTF is going on here, am I in the Twilight Zone or something?"...We decide to head inside.

Diego still waiting for me at the front notices the cop, and immediately asks him "Are you a cop, cause if you are, you have to tell me" The cop replies, "Yeah" at which point Diego turns to the security and tells them, watch out this guys a cop, Diego and I head inside, this shit is just getting weirder and weirder for me. The cop flashes his badge to security and security tells, him, wheres your Id, in my head I'm laughing, the grimiest club in Miami still doesn't give a fuck if hes a pig or not, and they still charge him a $20 cover.

Were in the club no more than 5 minutes, when suddenly, Orlando begins freaking out, "YO, we have to fucking go, that motherfuckers a cop"...I tell him "It was your fucking Idea to jump in his car, and bring his ass to the club, what the fuck are you talking about" but once Orlando gets in a mood, its hard to change, and he starts turning red, looking crazy, "We gotta go, this guys a fuckin pig, Bro we gotta go" 5 minutes after getting in, I have to go find Texas and Eetz and then we all try to convince Orlando to no avail, so we go outside, hail a cab, and take our asses back to the beach.

When we get there its raining, everything is wet, and the suns coming up, and we still don't know where the car is, so we decided to wait out the rain and enter Burger King for some break feast, after which we leave and I drop my new iPhone in a puddle of water, Texas immediately picks it up and begins to suck out the water....Phones still working, mission avoided. We continue to look for the car, but have no idea where to even begin so we break up and each head down a separate street looking for the car, eventually Orlando finds it. He drives around looking for us and picking us up! At which point we call our friend Sasso, he usually works till 6 am and is normally getting home at 7-730 am, which is right about the time we find the car. We drop off Eats at a bus stop where his brother picks him up since he has to be at work in 4 hours. Texas, Orlando and I head to Sasso's house.... this day is not over.

To be continued....

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Working on Saturday is Punishable by Death

Exodus 35:2

For six days, work is to be done, but the seventh day shall be your holy day, a Sabbath of rest to the LORD. Whoever does any work on it must be put to death.

Now I'm not the most righteous or religious man, but I definitely feel this is something that should be enforced. Not so much the worker, but the damn inconsiderate employer. As I sit here behind my desk, with absolutely nothing to do, I wonder what they meant. Were they referring to work as any job done for monetary compensation? Or did they mean any work, for example I wanted to clean up my room on im scared god might strike me down! Normally I go to the grocery store, cook, and fuck on Saturdays. Am I damned? Cause by my account, fucking is hard work, and I be putting in work!

But Its really not that bad, I dont get paid for sex, that would be prostitution, and in that case, this god fearing Christian would have a whole bigger problem on my hand! While sitting here writting, Im getting time and a half, they call it overtime, and well if thats the case dogma can take a backseat. So to all those of you sitting in the altar of capitalism on your saturday morning instead of your neighborhood church, fear not, You think more about God then God thinks about you...he's frying other you need some attention? Now get back to work!

Friday, February 11, 2011

King Kolt - Smokin & Ridin feat. HIA Juan

Here it is! One of my music videos, for those of you have never seen or heard anything of mine. Enjoy!

Smokin & Ridin, Smokin & Ridin
Smokin & Ridin, Smokin & Ridin
So go & get on the grind, so go & get on the grind
So go & get on the grind, so go & get on the grind

(Verse 1: King Kolt)
Police right behind me, I'm smoking & Ridin
They cant see inside, limo tint keep me hidin
They roll right passed me, I sit back laughin
Half an ounce in my lap, aint a damn thing happen
Why drink and drive?, when you can smoke and fly
Fog up the inside of your ride till you can't open your eyes
I'm getting High, I watch traffic pass by
Passin flashin yellow lights I been hi since last night
Tilt my seat back, I'm blowin endo out the window
Let the wind ash my blunt as I pass it to my kinfolk
Roll another spliff, getting lit off this crip shit
I'm lifted every minute nothing you can do to fix it

(Hook x 2)
I'm smoking and ridin, mi gente beside me/
I'm smokin and ridin, and doing it nightly/
I'm smokin and ridin, smokin and ridin/
smokin and ridin, till the pigs come and find me/

(Verse 2: HIA Juan)
Ay yo we smoking & ridin, lighting the best green
Got my dawgs right beside me you cant fuck with the team
We ridin through the streets, system bumpin, spittin on beats
My windows down but I only holla if you look like a freak
We ridin gmc's, impalas, caddy's on 23's
We got that crippy weed burnin so a chico feelin so free
Money stackin, so I'm holdin bout 4 g's cash
What's the haps? Police pass, I get a rush and I laugh
That's just the way it is, bumpin Pac through your block
smoking pot Fuck the cops man, who got the deuce on the blunt?
I got that taliban bud, always bomb, never bunk
Got a J, a Dutch, a Phil and a Bong up inside the trunk

(Hook x 2)
I'm smoking and ridin, mi gente beside me/
I'm smokin and ridin, and doing it nightly/
I'm smokin and ridin, smokin and ridin/
smokin and ridin, till the pigs come and find me/

Thursday, February 10, 2011

The "I don't give a fuck" Manifesto

I've always found the term "I don't give a fuck" kinda peculiar, how do you not give a fuck, sooooo much, that you feel obligated to say "I don't give a fuck" don't give a fuck so much that you can't even control your mouth and have to blurt out "I don't give a fuck"... By saying you don't shows that in fact you DO! Then there's those people who don't give multiple fucks, like "I don't give 3 fucks", so let me get this right, indulge me if you will, you don't give a fuck so much, that you needed more than 1 fuck that in fact you weren't even gonna give in the first place, but the feeling of not giving a fuck was so strong you completely skipped not giving 2 fucks and went to 3.... And I thought the saying was "I could give a fuck" not "I don't give a fuck"... So which is it, you could? Or you don't? Cause I'm fucking confused over here.... cause I COULD give a fuck, but I've chosen not to....

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

It is now over... A short story

       My name? I have none. Then again who does have a name these days. People are only identified in this world by what they own. Where is it that I live? It is the mold on a half eaten cheeseburger at the bottom of a dumpster somewhere in an insignificant cosmic back alley. Now how important do you really think it is if you wear your white striped socks or your black ones.

       The weather here is bleak. The weather in the mind of someone who suffers from constant boredom is always bleak. I am bored with the sheer boringness of life. Life is just a giant stopwatch but instead of counting up, its counting down. Thats why I cant seem to understand why people get hung up on the most pointless details. If you die old and rich or you die young and a bum, do you really think all the worms and decomposing bacteria will care if theyre eating the flesh of a rich person or the flesh of a pauper?

       What tortures me is that I wish I never started to see thing the way that I do. Everyone else just seems oblivious to the truth. People just stumble through life with their eyes closed, bumping into things. I feel that I am walking through with open eyes, I still bump into stuff but I can truly see what it is. Its not that I know everything, its just that I see the insignificance of 99.9% of our everyday lives. The major conflict in my life is that everyone else seems to have no idea whats going on.

       There is not even really a good reason for me to be alive. Not through my life or death am I going to change the way the world is. Its going to keep getting worse because theres a negative trend and its not getting fixed. Even if I died right now I would probably not even get the privilege of being a statistic. Yet I tire of this pointless, soon to be forgotten life. I want to do something big before I die. I want to show how an insignificant act by an individual can still change more than a few lives.

       I hail the cab and he pulls over. I dont want to go anywhere in particular, so I tell him one block away. We arrive and I open the door. He asks for the fare and I answer him by placing the barrel of my sawed off next to his face and painting the interior with his brains. I step out of the car and start walking home. Someone looks at me dripping blood. They suffer the same fate as the cabbie. 2 murders now. Double homicide should be on the news for a day or so, relatively minor. I see a car driving down the street. I run in front and wave my arms. They stop and I jump on the hood and shoot both the driver and passenger through the windshield. My count is up to 4. Thats pretty low considering theres 2 billion people in the world.

         I am back at my home and debating what to do next. I did alright for a desperate act. Those 4 people just died for nothing yet nothing is going to change. Just being in this world makes me sick. I am in the kitchen eyeing up the cutlery. I grab a large blade and use it to escape. Slice. Slice. Slice. Red. I sit back and for the first time ever really know what it is like to know that it will finally end.
It is now over
The white light embraces me
I have reached content

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Mr. Liqer - That Buzz

There's a new artist in town, and his name is Mr. Liqer from the Indie Penned Ent. camp featuring production from D-Notez. If you have never heard of him, take a second and check him out. I've done songs with him myself as well as direct and shot some of his music videos. Check out Mr. Liqers website & Download his Music for FREE Here is a link to the last music video/commercial I directed and shot for him, for his upcoming mixtape. Mr. Liqer - Recognize Me on YouTube be sure to follow him on twitter @MrLiqer

Monday, February 7, 2011

If shit had a voice...

If shit had a voice, it would sound like the Black Eyed Peas during yesterdays halftime performance at the superbowl. I was actually falling asleep from the barbecued feast I had just finished consuming, someone was trying to be kind and do me the favor of waking me up so I could watch it...I fell back asleep until the 3rd quarter. Thank god I have never paid money to listen to their music or made the mistake of attending one of their concerts.