Saturday, February 12, 2011

Working on Saturday is Punishable by Death

Exodus 35:2

For six days, work is to be done, but the seventh day shall be your holy day, a Sabbath of rest to the LORD. Whoever does any work on it must be put to death.

Now I'm not the most righteous or religious man, but I definitely feel this is something that should be enforced. Not so much the worker, but the damn inconsiderate employer. As I sit here behind my desk, with absolutely nothing to do, I wonder what they meant. Were they referring to work as any job done for monetary compensation? Or did they mean any work, for example I wanted to clean up my room on im scared god might strike me down! Normally I go to the grocery store, cook, and fuck on Saturdays. Am I damned? Cause by my account, fucking is hard work, and I be putting in work!

But Its really not that bad, I dont get paid for sex, that would be prostitution, and in that case, this god fearing Christian would have a whole bigger problem on my hand! While sitting here writting, Im getting time and a half, they call it overtime, and well if thats the case dogma can take a backseat. So to all those of you sitting in the altar of capitalism on your saturday morning instead of your neighborhood church, fear not, You think more about God then God thinks about you...he's frying other you need some attention? Now get back to work!

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