Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Weekend that Never Ended... Part 1: Chilling with Cops

Have you ever had one of those weekends you just can't remember every detail to? Or better yet, a weekend you'd rather completely forget? Something like a scene right out of the Hangover? Anyone who lives in Miami has a story or two like this to tell. Well, I have more than just a few of these. But one weekend completely takes the cake... one weekend comes to mind in particular.

This story picks up on the last and final day of a 72 hour marathon of partying and debauchery. Maybe Ill find time to describe Friday and Saturday, but Lets get you caught up, Friday Night we went out to a club, partied, left about 5am when one of our boys began tripping out cause some Transvestite tried talking to him, went to another club for after hours drank consumed and partied some more. Saturday arrives, we barely slept but 3-4 hours, we head to the liquor store where we encounter 3 girls just coming home from whatever guys house they just got fucked in, bought 1 bottle of champagne and 2 bottles of vodka and headed to the beach. We parked, found a spot and continued our party at the beach. Stopped by a friends house, where we smoked, sniffed, and drank whatever was available. Left, headed back to Miami Lakes to shower, change, recharge, smoke sniff and drink some more before heading out to Club Space. Arrived around midnight, and partied there past after hours all the way till about 10 am. Went back to Miami Lakes where we invited girls and friends over. Finished the house party early, recharged our batteries momentarily, and headed back out to Nikki Beach at around 8 PM to continue the madness....

This is where our story begins...Mind you, we are all running on fumes, we've smoked about a quarter ounce of kush or more throughout those 2 days, popped numerous transformers, that's ecstasy pills for you who don't get out much. Consumed about a quarter ounce of blow, and drank our asses into a state of consciousness that I can barely begin to describe. We arrive to Nikki beach recharged and ready to finish our weekend off.

I headed out with my homeboys Orlando and Eats and linked up with the fourth maniac Texas at the beach. We scooped him up and headed to Nikki beach but not before smoking about 3 blunts and consuming more substances. As we arrived to Nikki beach we decided to park somewhere along the road to Nikki Beach so we wouldn't have to pay for parking and so we were a nice distance from the place we were going to do our dirt in. After getting ourselves together, we headed to Nikki Beach where we were greeted by a promoter, I'll leave his name out considering he always takes care of us.

Once inside, we do our normal rounds, seeing who we recognize, who's there, and what kind of vibe is in the air. The four of us link up with some of our home girls we ran into and find a spot on the dance floor, get loose, dance a lil, we decide to get ourselves a bottle.

Fast Forward a couple of hours... Its now close to 5 Am, I had ran into my friend Diego, hes an older cat, he was there with his girl. We all discuss continuing the party at Discoteka, What used to be Metropolis a few years ago, the largest club in Miami. This club has really gone to the shits, its become what I call the Rat Hole, the club had been raided, a murder had occurred, people had been stabbed outside in the parking lot, but when your banged up, its a perfect place to zone out before going home. Diego was a lil buzzed and intoxicated and asked if I could drive his car to the club, and I told him sure no problem, lets leave in 15.

I stepped down to the Dance floor and started dancing with some girls, when suddenly some guy dressed really nice for what is a beach club comes up to me asking me, What good spots there are after Nikki Beach, I tell him, Discoteka, He asks If I knew someone there or If I had the hook up, or if its hard to get in. I told him, I know I'm getting in, I don't know about you, at which moment he replies, "Oh, I'm getting In" and he shows me his wallet, which happens to be holding a badge. At the moment, I panicked and told him yeah people are headed there now, and left the dance floor, at which point I told Diego, yo this guys a cop, lets ride. Which we did.

I texted and called all my boys that were there, O, Eats, and Texas and told them to be careful leaving cause there was a DT inside and to meet me at Discoteka. Apparently the cop had noticed they were with me, so he tried to befriend them, and once they correlated he was the cop, they dipped out the back. When we had originally parked we didn't pay too much attention to where the car was. Now its 5 am and my friends are having an increasingly difficult time finding the car, no one figured it would be a good idea to jot down the intersection. As they are looking for their car, the cop from the club offers to pick them up and help them find it. Now I'm not sure if its the drugs or the alcohol, but my friends thought it was a good idea and jumped in. After not being able to locate the car, the cop decides, lets just go to the club. And they all agree.

From what I've pieced together from the stories about the car ride, the cop begins to tell my friends hes a cop, and he used to be a Hialeah Wylo and gang member, etc etc. Now my friend Orlando is the free styling phenomenon, and tells him that he doesn't really care who he is and to put the radio up cause he likes the beat. He begins to freestyle.... and starts spitting lines... such as "If you a cop, Fuck the cops, Ill slice your throat and dump you in the river".... and when this kid freestyles, it seems as if he really hates you. This prompts the cop to pull out his piece and sit it on his lap, instantly quieting the freestyle session. He blurts out, "So what you niggas got".... and Eats pulls out 5 blunts, and tells him 5 Blunts, Texas was carrying about 40 pills and a half an ounce, which makes me wonder, who takes a whole half an ounce of bud to a club?... but Texas pulls out the half ounce, all this is happening while a Miami Beach police officer is behind them, the DT asks..."Is that it?" ... Texas replies, That's it! At which point the cop replies..."Lets Ride"

So I'm at discoteka with Diego and his girl waiting for these guys, when suddenly I get a phone call from Orlando... "Come outside, were chilling with the cop"...I think to myself, WHAT THE FUCK!!!, are these guys that banged up? So i go outside, to check on my boys and make sure everything okay... when I get outside, these guys are there smoking a blunt with the cop, making fun of him for hollering at a Transvestite, apparently when they pulled into the parking lot the cop was checking out some he/shes.

When I head out, I tell Diego the situation, he says he'll wait for me in the front. When I get to the car, Orlando offers me some white, I take a wack, at which moment the cop tells me, "Turn around, hands behind your back" at which point, I do. My friends start laughing all except for Texas, cause hes just silently observing. He replies to me, "I'm just fucking wit you, let me get a wack", In my head I'm thinking, "WTF is going on here, am I in the Twilight Zone or something?"...We decide to head inside.

Diego still waiting for me at the front notices the cop, and immediately asks him "Are you a cop, cause if you are, you have to tell me" The cop replies, "Yeah" at which point Diego turns to the security and tells them, watch out this guys a cop, Diego and I head inside, this shit is just getting weirder and weirder for me. The cop flashes his badge to security and security tells, him, wheres your Id, in my head I'm laughing, the grimiest club in Miami still doesn't give a fuck if hes a pig or not, and they still charge him a $20 cover.

Were in the club no more than 5 minutes, when suddenly, Orlando begins freaking out, "YO, we have to fucking go, that motherfuckers a cop"...I tell him "It was your fucking Idea to jump in his car, and bring his ass to the club, what the fuck are you talking about" but once Orlando gets in a mood, its hard to change, and he starts turning red, looking crazy, "We gotta go, this guys a fuckin pig, Bro we gotta go" 5 minutes after getting in, I have to go find Texas and Eetz and then we all try to convince Orlando to no avail, so we go outside, hail a cab, and take our asses back to the beach.

When we get there its raining, everything is wet, and the suns coming up, and we still don't know where the car is, so we decided to wait out the rain and enter Burger King for some break feast, after which we leave and I drop my new iPhone in a puddle of water, Texas immediately picks it up and begins to suck out the water....Phones still working, mission avoided. We continue to look for the car, but have no idea where to even begin so we break up and each head down a separate street looking for the car, eventually Orlando finds it. He drives around looking for us and picking us up! At which point we call our friend Sasso, he usually works till 6 am and is normally getting home at 7-730 am, which is right about the time we find the car. We drop off Eats at a bus stop where his brother picks him up since he has to be at work in 4 hours. Texas, Orlando and I head to Sasso's house.... this day is not over.

To be continued....

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